Thursday, July 3, 2008

Oh to be dangerous, just once

I need to work on channeling Christ into the way I express myself on a routine basis. I think thats honestly where I've found my biggest hangup in my relationship with Christ time and time again. Like, I know my Bible reasonably (okay probably better than reasonably) well, but what does that really mean anyway? Truthfully, its nothing without the attitude to back it up.

Really what I'm getting at here is patience and understanding. These are two areas where I fall woefully short of where I need to be. The lack unnecessarily complicates friendships and relationships along the way. Yet, I hope that in admitting it I am taking a first step of sorts towards repairing the flaw.

At the same time, I push to be more self-assured. It's easy for me to second guess myself and abilities based on other people's reactions to me, and its got to stop. I'm likely an all-around pretty average person, but I also know what I do well and I'm not going to be shy about it, especially when it comes to potentially life-changing situations. It doesn't make me arrogant, it just makes me right.

As a man of Christ I should be caring and comforting, but never lacking in fiery passion and self-assuredness. It's an interesting, wonderful, crazy balance, but that's part of what makes Christ so compelling and wild.

To those who hated Christ's message, he was seen as dangerous. Shouldn't we be the same?

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