Thursday, July 23, 2009

Broadband brings wave of change to East Africa; one Warcraft player thrilled.

This just made my day. I noticed an article on the BBC website talking about broadband internet arriving this month for the first time ever in East Africa. I started reading the comments (from mostly African posters) and found a number of enthusiastic responses on how this was going to change commerce, education and communication for a large number of Africans. I tried to imagine what it would be like not having the access to the web that we are so used to and then I came across this comment somewhere near the bottom:
Maybe I'll finally be able to PvP as a normal human being in world of warcraft. Its really not fun trying to interrupt a 1.5 second heal with 1.49 seconds delay.
Nick, Middelburg, South Africa

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sam Raimi to direct Warcraft movie

"Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. and Legendary Pictures announced today that Sam Raimi has signed on to direct the eagerly-anticipated major motion picture based on Blizzard Entertainment®’s award-winning Warcraft® universe. Raimi has, in the course of his career, clearly demonstrated a genius for developing and adapting existing fictional universes for mainstream audiences while staying true to the spirit of the original content.
Raimi directed the Spider-Man trilogy, which has broken box-office records around the world and garnered five Academy Award® nominations. Known for his imaginative filmmaking style, richly drawn characters and offbeat humor, Raimi wrote and directed the cult classic, The Evil Dead and produced 30 Days Of Night. He most recently wrote and directed the supernatural thriller, Drag Me To Hell.

"At its core, Warcraft is a fantastic, action-packed story," said Raimi. "I am thrilled to work with such a dynamite production team to bring this project to the big screen.""

Groundbreaking news. I thought a Warcraft movie would be rubbish for certain, but now my inner (and not very hidden) nerd is giddy with anticipation. This revelation is especially shocking considering yesterday's confession to a friend that Raimi would be my dream director for my in-progress zombie script. One can hope?

Your Own Disaster ft/MICHELLE NOLAN!!! (Old school TBS)

Don't get me wrong, I love Taking Back Sunday...but they had so much more promise with John and Michelle Nolan.

"Just think of this and me
as just a few of the many things
to lie around, to clutter up your shelves
and I wish you weren't worth the wait
'cause there's some things I'd like to say to you
and I don't think that you know
what you've been missing
I dare you to forget the marks
you left across my neck
from those nights when we were both
found at our best
You know I could make this obvious, and you
you could deny me in one breath
just shrug me off your shoulders
You move slow like daytime drama
and i'm boring like his songs
and while you're taking me for granted
I'll be humming along
Hey lush, have fun, its the weekend
I hope you're choking on the words
that kissed that bottle
Forget me, it's that simple
Forget me
It's that simple"

Monday, July 20, 2009

the middle films are always the saddest

"A Slow Descent," written by John Nolan of Straylight Run for Adam Lazzara of Taking Back Sunday, detailing the split between the two bands. This is one of those songs I always find a way to approach with a new understanding and new disappointments. Mostly its just brilliant.

i'm tired
cynical and broken, but wiser
heavy with a sense of resentment
but i used to be so much different
i used to have so much faith
when i started
you knew that i always meant it
i knew i could make a difference
i struggled to be heard
and then finally, one day people started listening
and i knew it
but as soon as it began it was ruined
a slow descent from unique to routine
over and over
just do it again
"and this time with feeling"
the spotlight, all the focus
on the friends and the feelings
that made those stupid songs all worth singing
and don't you say a word
unless you're pretty sure that you want it analyzed
so we drove for what seemed like days
over roads and four lane highways
we said all we had to say
and i realized in time that it didn't mean anything
never, not ever again
not like that
"it's only a matter of time"

Haiku 08

lean in; slur your words
can't hear a thing you're saying
but it won't matter

Sunday, July 19, 2009

"I miss the sound of your voice, not just the way I play it back in my head."

For Rachael - you Shakespeare-hating villainess.

"Are we star crossed lovers
or just big talkers?
Those are pretty heavy words
for a pretty little girl
Get over the romance baby
Are the dirty scarlet letters 
even forming words that matter?"
take cover.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Haiku 05 06 07

i flew over a
thunderstorm and thought of you
it was beautiful

for you i composed
seventeen syllables and
your reply; a "j"

you know in fight club
when he wants the plane to crash?
yeah, i hoped that too

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Haiku 04

over-sized paws pounce,
topple like buckets of sand;
a furious Howl

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Haiku 03

she; a sudden gale
splitting thunderous heaven
dissipates to calm