Wednesday, June 3, 2009

[Almost] 'A Decade Under the Influence': Taking Back Sunday Ranked.

Eight years ago, Taking Back Sunday released their first full-length album Tell Your Friends, and a high-school version of yours truly would be hooked from then on. My foray into music that wasn't specifically sanctioned by my country loving parents (God bless them) had arguably started a few years prior, but it wasn't until TBS that I became truly passionate about whatever disc was spinning endlessly in my Walkman. It was raw and energetic and although I hadn't really dated anyone, well ever, something told me that the words Adam Lazarra screamed into the mic were exactly how I would feel about the complications of young love. Now significantly older, I've been listening to the band's fourth studio album New Again for going on six days; just enough to feel compelled to write down my thoughts and even more, to rank it among the others. Reverse order, here is my worst to best of Taking Back Sunday.

4. Louder Now - 2006
Okay so I don't exactly hate it, but honestly the record just feels a little empty in places. I suppose its a testament to how much I actually like everything TBS puts out that I really do enjoy a couple songs from this one, but on average Louder Now is...well, average. A number of the singles were pretty radio friendly, but lyrically the album is just a little bland. In the past, the lyrics have worked so well largely in part to their highly personal nature, but most of these songs just seem too Top 40ish to have any soul. The album's closer "I'll Let You Live" stands out, but the rest of the songs offer a less than compelling reason to listen to more than once in a sitting.

3. Tell Your Friends - 2002
This is the album that converted me to TBS and for many years was my favorite. The raw, focused energy and brutally honest lyrics begged to be listened to in my car stereo or headphones, wherever I happened to be. I actually listened to this one nearly every time I had to cut grass because of the amount of adrenaline it sent through me. It's still one of my top favorite albums ever, but it never sounds as perfect as I remember it being. Favorite track from this one: "No I in Team."

2. New Again - 2009
If Louder Now was a disappointment, the appropriately titled New Again is a confident resurgence. Musically, the newest effort is the most diverse and recognizably skillful. TBS replaces guitarist and back up vocalist Fred Mascherino with Matt Fazzi on this one and the result is something that feels a lot like the older and wiser brother of Tell Your Friends. The energy and passion are back in full force combined with some seriously amazing musical performances from the entire band. Give me a year or two and this may well be my favorite. Best and most addictive tracks include: "Swing" and "Everything Must Go."

1. Where You Want To Be - 2004
Honestly, the music from New Again is of a higher quality, but taken as a whole, this album has to be tops. Every single track is one that I have and will still listen to three or four times in a row before moving on. The very first (of four) TBS show I went to was a couple weeks after the release of this album which I'm sure adds to the nostalgia factor. Of any album lyrics I've ever posted on Facebook, LiveJournal or otherwise, this remains my most-quoted album. Every time I hear "Spent the night lit, listening to Miles Davis / you said it makes you want to fall in love or keep your distance / you can't decide" I sing along and get it. Best tracks: all of them, but mostly "One-Eighty By Summer," "Bonus Mosh Pt. 2," and "Little Devotional."

For you Facebook folks, I tagged some of you because I'd really like to hear your opinion and what you think of New Again.

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