Monday, March 30, 2009

You are worth more than the man I am.

June is shaping up to be my most anticipated month of the year, what with new Star Wars fiction and most importantly, the new Taking Back Sunday album as well as seeing them in Atlanta. I leave you with what I consider the super exciting image of the day. Ta-da.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

When you left me, I left Earth. Does that not show you I care?

I just want to publicly acknowledge my Watchmen obsession. I've only seen the film twice, but I've been reading and re-reading the book over the past few weeks, making mental notes and sometimes even in written form. Yesterday, I spent some time in Border's looking through some of the Watchmen art books, drooling over hand-drawn costume designs as well as storyboards for both book and film versions. I think I'm just obsessed with this simultaneously despairing and beautiful world created by Alan Moore and brought to life by David Hayter and Zack Snyder.

My dad went with me opening night and he really didn't like it. I'm not incredibly surprised, as he also wasn't such a big fan of Dark Knight because it was "too depressing." So I can definitely understand why people wouldn't understand Rorschach or Dr. Manhattan's musings about the meaning of life in a superhero film, especially when they go in thinking they're about to see another Iron Man or Spider-Man film. Watchmen is three parts philosophy, one part superhero. If you want everything to be black & white and don't enjoy convoluted discussions on morality, Watchmen may not be your thing. But for me, I can't get it out of my head.

I think the spirit of the story, and why it resonates with me, is best summed up by Jon Osterman/Dr. Manhattan: "Without condemning or condoning, I understand."

Monday, March 9, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Despondent, distracted; you're vicious and romantic

Tomorrow is going to be my last day at Austin East HS. From the beginning, I didn't think I wanted to be there and I had heard from numerous people that it was my "bad luck" to be placed there. On the contrary, I've found the experience to be nothing short of wonderful and am quite sad that it all went so quickly. I feel as though I've grown professionally over the time I've been there, but also very much so individually. I described it to a friend as something that required me to really step out of my comfort zone and do something that was for and about me and not just something I did because all my friends were doing it. Now, of course my classmates (and friends) were also going through the same experience (and a few at AE even), it was the fact that once I was alone in the classroom with my students I found myself completely separated from everyone I knew. And wow, that sensation was absolutely liberating. My education program has been rather irritating to me lately, which I'm pretty sure is no secret, but I definitely found that being in the classroom with students and actually teaching is a very rewarding experience. I guess I'm just thrilled to be doing it.

Moving forward, it is now March. Frankly, this is beyond exciting. March has the potential to be a fantastic month. Watchmen comes out this weekend and I don't even have the words for that one yet. Its going to be beyond fantastic. But really, more importantly and to a more obsessive degree, the new Taking Back Sunday should be out later this month. I'm just going to be honest and warn anyone that has any plans of me being in their life from here on out...that album is probably going to consume me and my thoughts for the foreseeable future. Okay? Good.

I'm thinking about a lot of things that are present in my title yet I'm not going to blog about them. Fair enough? Okay bye.