Monday, September 29, 2008

The finest line divides a night well spent from a waste of time.

So I have a ton ton ton of stuff I need to today because I blew it all off over the weekend. If I don't write it down where I can easily find it later, I'll probably forget something. My memory tends to not be very great.
  • Classroom Management Plan Paper (6-8 pages)
  • Journal Reflections (for this week and last week)
  • Take the Ed Psych online exam
  • Revise our lesson plan draft
Okay so that's only four things, but some of them are going to take a long time. Honestly, I planned to do so much work yesterday but ended up just listening to music and dancing around my apartment (and scaring the heck out of luna) instead. I didn't even play WoW, which I'm starting to get bored with anyway. I feel like I need a lot of attention and get bored with things really easily. Ugh.

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