Friday, April 24, 2009

"days of the future past"

"Wars, famine, disease. 400 years later, nothing has changed. When God wasn't happy with what he created, he made it rain for 40 days and 40 nights. He just washed it all away. He had the right idea, because when this virus is released, those of us who are left will be granted a second chance. And I'll be their hero."

Heroes' superhero lore is actually pretty fascinating as it mixes standard comic book fare with a twist including genetic evolution and a fair amount of biblical references. One thing I found interesting is how bad guys (in both fiction and real life) tend to twist anything around in order to justify whatever sorts of bad behavior they can come up with. Though I have to say I'm far more intrigued by villains who do what they do because of some God-complex rather than just feeling like its fun to be bad. You can't have interesting heroes without interesting villains.

Also, Daphne totally called Hiro "Pikachu" last episode. I LOLed real hard. Pokemon references are always win, any time, any place.

Oh and I'm working until 8am. Been here since midnight. Oh em gee. Loads of fun fun fun.

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